Different types of web maintenance and application maintenance services

Web maintenance and application maintenance are common terms in the IT ecosystem, yet it is one of the least discussed topics. Web maintenance or website maintenance is something that most business overlook until the last minute. However this scenario is undergoing changes as the web development agencies are proposing the maintenance quote also when developing the site. When organizations or businesses that have not opted for such service from the developers the need for sourcing is necessary. This give the firm flexibility to incorporate enhancements and modifications as and when needed with the right maintenance service provider.

Application maintenance is something that modern organizations with an IT infrastructure looks forward to. Organizations that have implemented applications that help manage the business process would need to be updated, enhanced or fine-tuned at times to ensure competitiveness.

There are different types of website maintenance and application maintenance services, and organizations or business owners choose the service depending on the organizations overall It strategy.

Preventive maintenance: This involves performing overall performance analysis, root-cause analysis, identifying and rectifying critical issues at their source.

Corrective maintenance: In this bug fixing, errors and dysfunctional processes are identified and necessary corrections are made.

Adaptive maintenance: This involves fine tuning the applications for optimal performance. Here the main concern is the down time and to complete the maintenance active with minimal disturbance to the existing business activities.

Enhancement services: Business priorities are changing at a rapid pace and the need to enhance existing features and add new functions are imminent. Enhancement services are designed to improve the performance of the application as well.

With the modern day digital advancements, technology now takes a back seat when determining the enhancement services, however for the other types of services, technology is a criteria to be looked into. Off course the mentioned types are just an overview of the types of services, there are more to the services in depth.


Need to know more on how website maintenance services and application maintenance services can help business, click here.

Improving user experience

Web browsing experience is related to the speed at which information is accessed. Which means the speed at which web pages are loaded on to your browser can have a significant effect on your mood and browsing experience. In today’s world a slow internet connection can hurt the web browsing experience but a web page that takes a time to load on a fast internet connection can ruin the browsing experience and the user may not want to visit the same site or app again.

With all the technological developments happening in the world, developers are concerned about the web browsing experience. User experience is given as much importance as the features of an app. This is because no matter what features, the app may house it does not necessarily mean much if the app is performing slow.

There are a number of ways the developers can speed-up the app performance. Among them one of the method under development is SPDY a networking protocol. Other techniques can be related to the coding of the web app. That accumulates to the tricks and tips used to optimize a web page.

If you are looking for a web development agency for custom software developments, do contact us.

JS Framework for single web page apps

Single Page web applications are designed to provide users with a smooth browsing experience similar to that of using a desktop application. When someone accesses the single page web application, only a single HTML file is loaded and the data is loaded dynamically as per the user interaction.

Different approaches are used for developing an SPA, and using JavaScript is one of the common methods. Here is a list of JS frameworks that are ideal for developing an SPA

  • Backbone
  • AngularJS
  • EmberJS
  • CanJS
  • SpineJS
  • BatmanJS
  • Meteor

Choosing the framework for development is a major step in web application development. Each framework needs to be carefully analyzed in terms of the application you are looking forward to build. The flexibility that the framework can offer which meets the app complexity is the key to choosing the right framework.

Read more :Single Page Web applications

IT offshore development team

Companies offering work in the information technology industry has the distinct advantage of delivering their finished products over the net. This is a key factor that allowed many companies to have their offices spread across the geographies yet work on the same project.

Having an offshore development team for the IT projects offers a wide variety of opportunities for business. Off shore teams can be setup near quality resources and  development can proceed without any problems. The cost advantage received by maintaining an off shore development team in a developing country is huge which has boosted the outsourcing practices in the last decade.

You can read more on challenges of selecting an offshore IT team at our site 

Online data and cloud

Security is a key issue in the technology world. More often sensitive data is stored online in case the local source is some how made obsolete. Security issues can range from bugs, corrupt programs to hackers. If sensitive data is stored online without much security the chances of leaking the information is high. Hence very good security features should be maintained.

By storing data online users have the benefit of accessing the same from remote locations, hence is an advantage. Another important factor for storing the data online is that it is safe from local disasters, then again if the location of the server is affected, then it could be a problem.

Cloud technology offers, computational power and resources for organisations. With Cloud, the  IT resources are shared between the organisations. The cloud infrastructure is maintained by the service provider. The service providers can provide different types of cloud services, each having its own features. The main attraction of cloud is that the maintenance and data recovery strategies are handled by the service providers. This frees the organisation from worrying about data security and recovery.

You can read more on the benefits of cloud to SME at our blog.

Why designers and developers love Umbraco

Umbraco is an open source CMS with rich functionality. It provides users with simple and easy to use functionality that can be used to mange the content of the website. It offers a wide range of scalability which makes it specially suited for complex web applications as well.

Some of the features that makes it a favorite for developer are:

  • Flexibility to incorporate complex UI designs
  • Scalable options for future upgrade of the web application
  • Exquisite support from the development community

In comparison to most of the readily available content management systems Umbraco offers wide variety of features. You can ready more on Umbraco and why it is preferred by developers here

Umbraco or WordPress? The right choice for your…

Umbraco and WordPress are two of the most popular content management systems in the world. Both Umbraco and WordPress have characteristics which make them the favorite among developers in meeting certain requirements. The features and characteristics of WordPress and Umbraco are as follows:


WordPress is an open source cms that supports PHP and MySQL. It has a simple editor with options to add different plugins. It is suited for small website with regular content updates. Due to its simplicity many developers and companies are developing templates and plugins for users to purchase. With a wide variety of templates available it is easy to create a website with WordPress with a small turnaround time. WordPress does allow customization but it is limited to the design template.


Umbraco is developed for Microsoft .Net framework and supports MSSQL database. It is highly customizable and provides developers with the flexibility to incorporate unique designs and templates. The developer community of Umbraco constantly updates the technology fixing any technical issues. The content editor itself has different inbuilt features that help to manage the content effectively. Due to its flexibility and scalability it is highly preferred to develop complex websites and applications.

Read more: When to use WordPress and when to use Umbraco